4th Consortium Meeting

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05 June 2024

MERIDIONAL partners caught up in Copenhagen for the 4th Consortium Meeting


On 3 and 4 June 2024, the MERIDIONAL partners gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark for the 4th Consortium Meeting. An occasion to share knowledge and ideas, and to discuss the next goals.

On 3 and 4 June 2024, the MERIDIONAL partners gathered for the 4th Consortium Meeting.

The meeting took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, and was hosted by the Technical University of Denmark – DTU.

The event represented the occasion for all partners to provide updates on their tasks’ progress and results. The consortium could also exchange ideas and suggestions on the upcoming activities, including simulations and practical tests for the improvement of wind farms and airborne wind energy devices. The most relevant achievements of the sector – including the inclusion of airborne wind in the German law – were shared too.

One of the goals of the MERIDIONAL project is to create a knowledge and data hub on wind energy. This will be powered by MERIDIONAL and its two sister projects AIRE and FLOW, so to create an open-access repository that will make relevant data on wind energy public. During the 4th consortium meeting, the partners also discussed its development and implementation.

Meeting in presence is the best way for brainstorming, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. Which are the gateways for progress and innovation.

Many goals have been achieved as the project approaches the halfway point of its duration. In the next few months the partners will keep researching and working on their tasks.

The Consortium will meet again in November in Milan, Italy, hosted by the Politecnico di Milano.

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